Thursday, February 21, 2013

Catching up

It's about time I blog again! I keep forgetting about it and then when I think of it again, I am busy doing something else. Anywho, to catch up on what's been happening around here I'll have to back up almost a week I guess.

On Saturday evening, Mom brought Allie back home. I was SO happy to have her home. I missed her like crazy. My mom said that they had to fight her to get ready to come home on Saturday morning because Allie decided she wanted to stay a "monf." When she did finally get home I think she realized that she did miss us a little more than she thought and she was happy to be home.

On Sunday, Brandon had to work so Mom and us girls went out to shop a little bit. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to get out of the house. My mom went home on Monday and we hated to see her go. Allie cried and begged her to stay for a month. I felt so sorry for her. I can't wait for the day that we live closer to home and we can visit anytime we feel like it.

We have decided that Brylee is definitely going to be our little hand full. She has such a temper and she is the most determined little thing I have ever seen. She will not take no for an answer. Her favorite thing is to press keys on the keyboard laptop. We can tell her no and move her hand a million times and it doesn't phase her! When Allie was a baby, I only had to tell her no once or twice and she would listen to me. Not this girl! That's ok, she can use that hard-headedness and determination for good one day if we do a good job in raising her :-)

This is totally not related to anything else I have talked about, but we have recently made a new rule that we eat our meals at the table. Shocking and revolutionary, right?! Well, before this we would always just make our plates and eat in front of the tv. I got tired of the messes and trying to keep Brylee out of everybody's plate and also the fact that we spend 85% of our day already in front of the tv so we made the rule. It has been going so well and everyone loves it. Brylee loves to sit in the high chair and eat. Allie loves to sit in her chair at the table and Brandon and I love the extra family time that it gives us. I am also loving the conversations that none of us being distracted is leading to. Allie was talking about Daddy closing his eyes and talking. I asked her if she was talking about him praying and she said yes. I asked her if she knew who he was talking to when he prays. She asked who and I told her it was God. She asked me where God lived and where Jesus lived. I told her Jesus lived in heaven and in our hearts. She said, "well, he's not in my heart." I replied that he could be if she wanted him there and all she had to do was ask." She closed her little eyes and said "I want Jesus to live in my heart." Sweetest thing ever!

There have also been some funny things said at the dinner table lately too. I always joke with her and call her things like goofy goober or something like that and she will call me that back just to be silly. Well we were sitting there and I called her a fart blossom. She laughed, but Brandon told her to tell me that we aren't supposed to say fart because it isn't nice. She said "yeah, mommy. We are supposed to say toot. Call me a toot blossom." Maybe it was only funny at the time, but Brandon and I just thought this was funniest thing.

I'm sure there has been more funny stuff that I just can't remember. I am going to try to make it a point to post every night if I don't keep forgetting haha!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Little Update

Well I have missed a few days of blogging because nothing much has happened here. Brandon went back to work yesterday from his long weekend and Brylee and I have just been hanging out here at the house. We are missing Allie so much while she is staying with my mom and dad. I can't wait until we get her back Saturday!

I have enjoyed having some one on one time with Brylee and I think she has enjoyed it too. It's amazing how much easier just one baby seems when you are used to having two. I have been weaning Brylee from nursing to using a bottle. She hasn't nursed since Saturday and she has been doing great! I think she was ready to be done with breast feeding and she has been so excited over the bottle. I really think my milk was drying up anyway so I think she has been enjoying the formula.

I skyped with Allie this evening and after talking with my mom I do have a couple of Allie-isms for the blog. My mom and Allie met my brother in town today to eat lunch. Allie couldn't decide what she wanted so they ordered her a grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, and french fries. She told Derrick, my brother, that she was really hungry and she was going to be able to eat it all. Well, of course, when the order came she just ate a few bites of each thing and said she was full. Derrick said "I thought you were really hungry." Allie replied, "I was mistaken." hahaha

Then I got a text from my brother today that said that Allie came to his office with mom and asked why he had a candle lit in there. He told her he had it lit so it wouldn't stink in there. She said "why? Did somebody poop in here?" I laughed so hard at this one. She is always thinking.

She also told me that she didn't miss me and she didn't want to come home yet. I think that just makes my mom's day. I am so happy she is having a good time, though. I know she is making some wonderful memories.

Well, that's about all I have for now!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Family Visit

I took a couple of days off from blogging while we had company this weekend. Brandon's parents came to visit. They got here late Friday night and left today. They took Allie with them to spend the week (if she will stay that long) that my parents. I know my parents are looking so forward to having Allie. I am excited for them and for Allie because she was so excited about it, but I am already missing my big girl terribly!

Yesterday we spent most of the day visiting. We went to O'Charley's for lunch and had dinner at home. We love having our parents come to visit and hate when they have to leave. We just can't wait until we're not so far away from them!

I don't have much to update about but didn't want to take a long blogging break. More tomorrow!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sick Babies

I am writing today's post running on very little sleep. Both girls have colds and didn't feel well yesterday afternoon. They were both running low grade fevers so before bedtime we gave them some tylenol to keep the fevers from spiking during the night. I went to bed around midnight and around 2 a.m. I woke up to Brylee crying and "barking." Poor baby has the croup.

We went into the bathroom and ran a steamy shower to help with her breathing. After she had settled down and was feeling slightly better we went back to bed and I got her to go back to sleep. I laid down and just when I had started to doze off again, she woke up coughing/barking and crying again. We had to repeat the steamy shower process over and she just wanted me to hold her. I had to come in the living room and sit in the chair with her. She went back to sleep and I ended up dozing in the chair until around 5:30. At that point, I was sore from being scrunched up in the chair and decided to try laying down with her. She did end up sleeping in the bed with me for a few more hours after that.

I felt sorry for Brandon because he had to get up at 5:00 for work and I know he didn't get much sleep last night.

Most of the day Allie and Brylee have both felt a little better today. We had to go out and get some groceries and so we went ahead and picked up a humidifier and some baby vick's vaporub. We are hoping for a much better night tonight. I hate when my girls are sick.

We won a free pizza from Papa John's for guessing the winning side of the coin toss for the Super Bowl. We decided to go ahead and redeem that this evening since we had to be out grocery shopping anyway. This makes two years in a row that we have gotten a free pizza from Papa John's thanks to the Super Bowl. I'm not complaining!!

Allie still finds ways to be funny, even when she isn't feeling her best. A few things she has said lately:

Allie - "I'm just praying to my head." (She means in her head, but always says to her head.)

Me- "Allie, what is daddy doing?"
Allie - "He's just watching his stupid show."

This is a fine example of her listening to everything we say. There is a certain show that Brandon likes watching that just annoys me and I am sure she has heard me call it his stupid show in the past. We try to make it a point not to say stupid...oops!

While we were upstairs playing.
Allie - "I need a tissue."
Me - "Go downstairs and get one."
Allie, wiping on her sleeve - "nah, I'll just use my arm sleeve."

Just a little peak into our day :-)

Now both girls are in the bed and I am getting ready to head that way! Goodnight!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quiet Down Cobwebs, Dust Go to Sleep

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to get back to blogging. It had been so long since I last blogged, I decided to just start over with a clean slate and make a new blog. I want a place to chronicle our daily lives these days. I feel like the girls are just growing up right before my eyes and I'm afraid I won't remember a lot of these days if I don't write them down. That's why I named this blog Babies Don't Keep. I'm sure you all have heard the poem by Ruth Hulbert Hamilton. Here it is, if not.

Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

I just love this poem and oh my word is it true. Allie is 3 and Brylee is almost 1 and I just can't believe it! I know it is cliche to say time flies and babies grow up too fast, but they do! I think time started going triple-time after we had a baby! I want to remember the sweet times and the not so sweet.

Allie is a funny, funny child and I could almost make a blog just devoted to the funny things she says day in and day out. I plan to blog a lot of Allie-isms for us to remember. Brylee is just a sweet little thing right now, but I am sure her day is coming for some Brylee-isms. :-)

Even if no one else reads this blog, I want it for me. I don't journal and I know there are tons of things I have already forgotten and I could kick myself for not writing them down. So, all that said, I will do more of a real blog tomorrow. I mostly wanted to do an introductory/starter post. If anyone else is reading, welcome and I hope you enjoy reading about my family!